Enjoy peace of mind with our new BuyBack guarantee!

  • Any brand of kite that’s less than 24 months old qualifies for the program!

  • Guarantee the kite’s future value: Buy today with confidence that we will BuyBack your kite anytime in the next 2 years, no matter its condition.

  • Return your kites, no questions asked, with our 60 Day Guarantee.

  • Available through our participating retailers or online with the form below! 

Ocean Rodeo Buyback Submission

Here's what you need to do: 

  • Submit the information below to the best of your ability. 

  • Provide as much detail as possible about the condition of your kite.

  • If your kite has a tear or if it's been repaired, send detailed photos for us to assess the damage.

  • We will use your input to provide you a quoted discount rate for your new Ocean Rodeo kite. You can receive up to 50% off a new kite depending on the condition and age of your trade-in.

  • Once you receive the offer, all you need to do is mail or deliver your kite to a participating dealer, or to one of our warehouses in Europe or North America.

  • If delivering to our warehouse, we will issue you a unique, one-time code that you can use to purchase a discounted kite online.


  • Only kites that are up to 24 months old can be considered.

  • Kites from any brand can be submitted!

Ready to submit? Great! Once we receive your application you should hear from us within 5 business day. Questions? Email us at buyback@oceanrodeo.com!